BLEM - 20 lb. Package A Power Tank

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  • $649.95
  • Regular price $799.95

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  • REGULATOR: HP250i-250 PSI


The 20 lb. Package A Power Tank is a great entry-level Power Tank System. With double the CO2 of a 10 lb. Power Tank, a 20 lb. Power Tank is built with high pressure tow rig and trailer tires in mind. It has a large capacity at the expense of limited portability making it a little more cumbersome than a smaller Power Tank if you need to remove it from the bracket it and walk it down the trail. It is best left in the tow rig or trailer at base camp where you can drive your UTV up for quick tire air ups and utilize the maximized CO2 capacity to air up multiple high-pressure/high-volume tires after driving on the sand. The Package A includes a mounting bracket and everything you need to air up tires or run air tools. 

For mounted pictures, see our Mounting Ideas page.

A Power Tank is the fastest and most powerful portable air solution. With the power of CO2 you can air up faster, reseat bigger tires (tested up to 46 in.) safely, and run air tools at full power. To see what Power Tank performance looks like for your tire size, check out our tire air up chart. Based on tire size and amount of air you are adding, it will tell you how many tires you can fill on one tank and how quickly you can do it. As an example, you can air up from 20 psi to 60 psi on a 35 in. tire in 38 sec. and you can air up 32 tires before needing to refill your 20 lb. Power Tank! The same size tank can also remove 720 lug nuts using a 1/2 in. impact wrench before empty. When it's empty, take your tank to a local fire extinguisher service shop, welding supply store, or beverage carbonic shops, and have it refilled for about $20-$35. 

The secret to this performance is Power Tank's Super Flow Regulators, adjustable regulator designed to maximize output pressure and flow rate simultaneously. Power Tanks boast a 45 cfm flow rate compared to the 5-6 cfm found in high-end 12v compressors. All Power Tank regulators are guaranteed to never freeze clog and are backed with a limited lifetime warranty. This is the only portable air system that will outlive the vehicle it's mounted to. 

This incredible system mounts easily in just about any vehicle or trailer. The best part? This self-contained, compact system is portable and easily moved from vehicle to vehicle, walked down the trail to help a broken rig, or transported from the chase truck to the race car all without power cables or long air hoses to run.

This Package A system includes everything you need to run air tools with a Super Flex hose and our Power Flow 3 8-ball auto-lock hose coupler, upgradable to our advanced universal safety Super Coupler. Air up tires through a push-on air chuck. It also includes a Super Bracket that makes a great base mount by itself or pairs well with any of our 'piggy-back' mounts like our Roll Bar Clamps for JK Wranglers or our JL Wrangler

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