BLEM - 2 Door Bronco Plate - Power Tank or Propane Tank mount (6th Gen 2021+)

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  • $159.95
  • Regular price $224.95

This is a blemished item. Blemishes or scratches may vary from the bracket in the picture. BLEM items may have been a customer return or used for demonstration purposes or product photography. All BLEM items function like new and only have cosmetic faults. 


Two essential upgrades that should be in every Bronco that spends life in the dirt are a Power Tank and a fire extinguisher. Fortunately, our 2 Door Bronco Plate provides a mounting solution for both. 

The 2 door Bronco Plate is driver side only so it does not block the cubby or interior light on the passenger side. It is completely bolt-on, utilizing the hardware holding the top on and the cargo tie downs. Modification to the plastic trim is optional. Four mounting points ensure an extremely rigid and robust mount. In addition to mounting a Power Tank, there are Fire Extinguisher Bracket mounting holes (optional) and MOLLE/PALs cutouts to attach additional storage (sold separately). 

The Bronco Plate bolts to your 2 door Bronco using simple hand tools in less than 20 minutes with no wiring to connect or air hoses to plumb. The Bronco Plate has been designed to mount 5 lb, 10 lb, and 15 lb Power Tanks as well as a 5 lb steel propane tank and bracket. Note that the rear seats must be folded down or removed in order to fit a 15 lb Power Tank. 

The best part is that this bracket is STOUT. When properly mounted, you can rock the whole vehicle just by shaking your Power Tank. This gives you peace of mind when you're bombing across the open desert. The strength comes from a hardened steel frame and attaching to OEM threaded points.  

The Bronco Plate does not include a Power Tank or propane tank bracket. To mount a Power Tank, you can use the Super Bracket that is standard in most 5 lb, 10 lb, and 15 lb Power Tank packages or purchase one separately. A Quick-Release Fire Extinguisher Bracket can be added via one of the drop down options. 

Compatibility: The Bronco Plate currently works with 2 door Broncos (2021+) with the hard top or no top. It will not work with the Bestop Trektop or Havoc Rampage soft top option. 


  • Fits 2 door Ford Bronco (2021+)
  • Fits 5 lb Power Tank, 10 lb Power Tank, 15 lb Power Tank or 5 lb steel propane brackets (not included)
  • Fits QR Fire Extinguisher Bracket
  • Requires Power Tank Super Bracket (5 lb Super Bracket, 10 lb Super Bracket
  • Driver side mount only
  • Stainless steel hardware
  • *Spacers are now silver, not black*

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