Shasta LOCKER Bracket for 20 lb steel and 17, 22 lb Viking propane tanks

  • Sale
  • Regular price $199.95

Securely transport 20 lb steel or 17 or 22 lb Viking Composite propane tanks with the Shasta LOCKER bracket and rest soundly knowing it's locked and not going anywhere. The Shasta LOCKER bracket features an aluminum frame with two locking stainless steel straps. Rubber trim and large rubber bumpers protects the finish of your propane bottle.

The LOCKER series of brackets feature latches that can be installed on the right or left side of the bracket and are removable in between trips. This allows you to take your bottle out and not have loose straps flopping around if your rig is serving daily driver duties. 

The straps are adjustable length and extra trim is provided to fit both 20 lb steel BBQ propane tanks and 17 lb and 22 lb Viking Composite Propane Tanks. 

The flat back is pre-drilled for easy mounting and it mates readily to many of our vehicle mounts like the Ladder Cross Bar mount, Power Plate MOLLE mount, or round roll bar clamps.

Locks sold separately

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