Bronco and Bronco Raptor Roll Bar Mount

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  • Regular price $299.95

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The Bronco Raptor Roll Bar Mount hangs your 5 lb or 10 lb Power Tank up and out of the way, maximizing space in your Bronco's cargo area. This bracket was developed with the 4 door Bronco Raptor in mind but works with all 4 door Broncos (6th gen 2021+). 

It clears the factory Bronco Raptor cross bracing which gets in the way of our standard Bronco Plate mount. Like the Bronco Plate mount, there are provisions for a Quick-Release Bracket to mount a fire extinguisher, Power Shot, or Pro Eagle CO2 Jack on top. 

The Bronco Raptor Roll Bar mount uses two billet roll bar clamps (included) and the threaded bung already in your roll bar for additional support. We recommend the 5 lb Super Bracket or the 10 lb COMP2 Super Bracket (dual strap) both sold separately. 

Not only does this clear the cross brace but it's even more rigid than the standard Bronco Plate for the aggressive driving expected of Raptor owners. 

Powdercoated steel frame, billet aluminum roll bar clamps, stainless steel hardware. 

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