BLEM - Power Plate - MOLLE Panel or Bedside Rack Mount for Power Tanks and Propane Tanks

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  • $29.95
  • Regular price $49.95

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The Power Plate is a clean and simple way to mount a Power Tank or a propane tank to your MOLLE panel or bedside rack organizer in the bed of your Tacoma, Gladiator, or other pickup. 

The Power Plate is a laser cut steel plate powdercoated in satin black with multiple mounting locations to fit various Power Tank brackets. You can easily mount a 5 lb., 10 lb., or 15 lb. Power Tank using the Power Plate and the Super Bracket that comes standard in Package A, B, and C Power Tank Packages. It can also be used to mount a 5 lb. or 11 lb. steel propane tank when used with our propane tank brackets. The plate is meant to go on the backside of your MOLLE panel and sandwiches it between the two mounts creating an extremely robust hold.

What is a bedside rack? Companies are creating vehicle-specific panels that mount to the bed of your truck used for organization and mounting of bags and accessories like shovels, fire extinguishers, tools, and, now, Power Tanks and propane tanks! The Power Plate is versatile enough to fit on nearly any panel, using any pattern, on just about any truck. The provided flange nuts provide a very easy installation with basic hand tools. In many cases, only a 3/16" allen wrench is required. 

The Power Plate can be used to mount to any flat panel and provides additional rigidity and holding strength vs using nuts and bolts alone. Ensure the plate you are mounting to is structurally strong enough to support the dynamic weight of the Power Tank or propane bracket you are mounting. 


  • 1/8" laser-cut steel plate
  • Powdercoated satin black
  • 6x 1/4" screws
  • 6x 1/4" flange nuts
  • 6x red anodized center spacers


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