BLEM - Wrangell MARINE Bracket for 20 lb. Steel BBQ Propane Tank

  • Sale
  • $169.95
  • Regular price $299.95

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Mounting Bracket for 20 lb. BBQ Propane Tank - Stainless Steel from Power Tank. This stainless steel mounting bracket is the best way to carry 20 lb. Propane Cylinders on your RV, trailer, or boat. It features a stainless steel frame, strap, and rivets with rubber trim which will not corrode, even when exposed to salt water. The two straps hold the tank securely over rough, washboard roads or choppy sea water. 

This propane tank holder fits all 20 lb. Propane Cylinders commonly used for gas BBQs and are easily exchanged at stores across the country, making this a great option for extended road trips.


  • Stainless Steel construction
  • Rubber Trim
  • Fits all 20 lb. Propane Cylinders commonly used for BBQs
  • Propane tank not included
  • This product is not compatible with Power Tank roll bar clamps
  • Weight: 4.4 lb.

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