N2 Tank Bracket 4.1 in. Diameter 72 cu. in. Power Tank

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  • Regular price $129.95

CO2 Tank Bracket 4.1 in. Diameter 72 cu. in. from Power Tank. This unique bracket is designed for the 72 cu. in. N2 or HPA (high pressure air) bottle used on the N2 Jet Pak, the N2 Lovell T-Case Jet Pak, and the N2 Shock Filler Kit.
The stout frame and the 1 in. wide stainless steel strap with locking latch is meant to hold up to the abuse of competition off-road vehicles. Rubber trim holds the bottle secure while protecting the paint from damage.

This is the smallest bracket in our line that works with our Roll Bar Clamps as a direct fit.


  • Quick Release lockable latch
  • No tools needed
  • Rubber Trim
  • Optional Roll Bar Clamps (ABC-2460, ABC-2465)

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