Trooper Safety Series - 60 psi Liquid Analog Ventoso Tire Inflator w/ 6 ft. Hose Whip

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NEW! All Ventoso Tire Inflator Gauges now come standard with the Hi-Pressure Push-On Chuck V2 (HiPPO2). The new HiPPO2 features a shallower bite depth to fit on shorter valve stems such as metal TPMS and Apex Rapid Precision Valves (RPV) as well as a narrower nose to fit in to recessed valve stem holes like you'll see on some off-road wheels. The new ridged collar design allows you to more easily grip the chuck with gloved hands or in cold weather. It has a 1000 psi working pressure with a simple to use push-on, pull-off engagement and it is fully rebuildable. 

Starting with the tried and true Trooper tire inflator, the Trooper Safety Series adds additional safety in the form of a six ft stainless steel whip. The longer hose whip allows you to stand up and off to the side of your tires to keep you safe in the case of a sidewall blowout or a beadlock failure. The Trooper SS will give you accurate tire pressures on any tire up to a max of 55 psi. Accurate tire pressure is crucial to improve traction and ride quality off road, and increase mileage and extend the life of your tires on road.

Built with the latest gen Ventoso tire inflator body, the first thing you notice when you pick it up is how it feels in your hand. There is a definite heft to the body because it is pressure cast for durability with extremely tight tolerances, built for Power Tank pressures (up to 400 psi) though it will work with any air source. The body is mated to a brass piston with tear-resistant EPDM O-rings. This ensures a consistently smooth trigger action for years without leaks. The Ventoso body also features dual XL bleed buttons for precise tire pressures.

The 60 psi gauge is filled with silicone and has a protective rubber boot. This is to protect the internals from vibration and drops. We use silicone because it doesn't slow down in cold weather, unlike common glycerin filled gauges. It is accurate to +/- 1.2 psi.

On the other end of the six ft hose is a Hi-Pressure Push-On chuck featuring easy push-on and pull-off operation with twice the grip strength of clip-on tire chucks. 

Every Ventoso tire inflator is fully rebuildable and each one comes with a five year warranty.

The optional carrying case features a divider to keep the stainless steel hose separate from the body. 


  • 0-60 Liquid Analog Gauge
  • +/- 1.2 psi Accuracy (2%)
  • Safety Series 6 ft. Steel Braided Whip
  • Fully Rebuildable
  • Ventoso Body
  • Five Year Warranty

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