Replacement Gauge - 100 psi Racer Series Digital for Tire Inflator Gauge

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  • Regular price $129.95

The Racer Series Gauge is the answer to the question, "Which of my gauges is accurate?" Each Racer Series Gauge has a serial number and comes with a certificate of accuracy from a 3rd party testing facility. Not only is this gauge accurate but it is also ultra-precise. The sensor is accurate to +/- 0.25 psi! It's so sensitive that it can measure your breath if you blow in to it or even elevation changes.

The Racer Series is also bursting with features that are handy when you're traveling to and from the race course or your local autocross.

  • The 0-100 psi range is suitable for setting pressure on everything from low pressure drag radials to high pressure trailer tires
  • The gauge stores its original calibration setting in memory, so you can zero it out  at elevation and then reset it back to stock when you get home
  • You can adjust the screen and backlight shutoff timer
  • Accurate to +/- 0.25 psi
  • Rubber boot protects it from drops
  • No moving parts
  • It reads PSI, Kpa, Bar, Kgf/cm³, and the temperature in °C
  • Individually tested with certificate of accuracy

These digital gauges run on 9 volt batteries. They have a back-light for easy reading in the dark.


  • 3 in. Diameter
  • 1/4" NPT threads


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