Universal Safety Super Coupler for 1/4 NPT Air Hose Power Tank

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  • Regular price $29.95

This Super Coupler is one of our favorite components of the Power Tank system. The two features that make it far more impressive than a standard coupler are the universal aspect and the internal bleed mechanism. 

This air hose coupler is universal in that it will accept nearly any air tool plug on the market. It accepts the industrial, ARO, automotive, and Lincoln exchanges. No more worrying about whether or not the tool you borrow from your buddy will work or not. 

The second feature is the internal bleed or what we refer to as the on/off collar. Regardless of how much pressure is in your hose, you will always plug your tool in to the coupler at zero psi. It's only until you switch the coupler "on" that pressure is allowed to flow. When it's time to clean-up, you release the downstream pressure by switching the coupler "off" and unplug your tool, again at zero psi. This means your tool will not shoot out of the hose, nor will the hose whip around after disconnecting. This is a great safety feature and we've installed these on all the air lines around our shop because of it. 

The Power Tank Super Coupler has an all-aluminum construction to cut weight and can handle up to 400 psi working pressure, unlike competitors which are made of heavy brass and are rated for 150-175 psi only. Power Tank's is also rebuildable. 

This coupler comes standard in all Packages aside from Package A where it is an optional upgrade.

Click here for video instructions to rebuild a Super Coupler

Super Coupler Rebuild Kit

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