PT Tire Chart - 10 lb

If you add 10 psi If you add 15 psi If you add 20 psi
What's your tire size? sec/tire # of tires sec/tire # of tires sec/tire # of tires
275/70R16 16 sec. 42 24 sec. 31 32 sec. 21
295/70R17 18 sec. 40 27 sec. 30 36 sec. 20
285/75R17 18 sec. 40 27 sec. 30 36 sec. 20
33R12.50x17 19 sec. 38 29 sec. 28 38 sec. 19
305/70R17 20 sec. 36 30 sec. 27 40 sec. 18
315/70R17 21 sec. 34 32 sec. 25 42 sec. 17
35R12.50x17 20 sec. 32 30 sec. 24 40 sec. 16
35R12.50x15 22 sec. 28 33 sec. 21 44 sec. 14
37R12.50x17 25 sec. 28 38 sec. 21 50 sec. 14
40R13.50x17 30 sec. 22 45 sec. 16 60 sec. 11
40R15.50x22 32 sec. 20 48 sec. 15 64 sec. 10
42R14.50x17 36 sec. 18 54 sec. 13 72 sec. 9

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