OUTLET - 10 lb Alu Propane Tank and Bracket Combo - Raw Silver

  • Sale
  • $369.95
  • Regular price $589.90

This is an OUTLET item. OUTLET items may have been a customer return or used for demonstration purposes or product photography. All OUTLET items function like new and only have cosmetic faults. 

These remaining brackets are un-powdercoated and have surface scratches in the metal. See pictures for details. 

The 10 lb Aluminum Propane tank is brand new and is paired with an OUTLET bracket. 


Securely mount and transport propane in the best way possible! This combo 10 lb aluminum propane tank and bracket is the lightest and most durable option you'll find anywhere. The 10 lb LP tank's aluminum construction is lightweight and corrosion resistant. The bracket is also made of corrosion resistant stainless steel with stainless steel hardware and rubber trim to protect your tank. The quick-release locking latch can be used on either side of the bracket for multiple mounting options on your offroad rig, trailer, RV, or boat.

This bottle and bracket combo works with roll bar clamps, ladder cross bar mount, and MOLLE Power Plate

The stainless steel bracket is great for marine use. Both the bracket and the propane tank that it fits are made of aluminum and stainless steel so it's a super lightweight set up. The tank and bracket together weighs less than 12.25 lb. (when bottle is empty). 


  • For 10 lb. aluminum Worthington and Trident Tank
  • Aluminum Frame
  • Rubber Trim and Bumpers
  • Propane tank sold separately 


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