BLEM - Whitney OG Bracket for 5 lb Steel Propane Tanks

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  • $79.95
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Propane Tank Bracket 5 lb. Manchester 1.2 gal. LP Bottle 8 in. Diameter from Power Tank. For short camping trips the 5 lb. Propane (LP) tank is a great size propane tank holder. The tank that it fits is a Manchester 5 lb. propane tank, Model 10054.3, 8 in. diameter.

It's small and holds the same as five (5) of those little disposable camping propane bottles you buy at Big 5. It can also be much cheaper. And now we give you a way to safely carry this size propane tank on your trailer, vehicle, or RV.

The stainless steel strap has a T-Bolt clamp and is very secure. It also features a quick release clamp so you don't have to fully unscrew the T-bolt to remove the strap. The marine-grade stainless steel frame is strong enough for the roughest trails. 


  • Propane tanks are not included
  • 5 lb. Manchester 1.2 gal.
  • 8 in. Diameter
  • Aluminum frame construction
  • Rubber trim
  • Compatible with Power Tank Roll Bar Clamps

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