CO2 Tank COMP2 Bracket 10 lb. 15 lb. 6.9 in. Diameter Power Tank

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  • Regular price $159.95

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The COMP2 is the most secure way to transport your 10 lb or 15 lb Power Tank or any gas cylinder with a 6.9-7.0 inch diameter. It combines the COMP1 dual strap level of holding power with the convenience and security of Quick-Release adjustable locking latches on the tried-and-true Super Bracket frame. 

For high speed or competition driving, we HIGHLY recommend this bracket.

The straightjacket is super lightweight (sub 3 lbs) and powdercoated for a durable long-lasting finish. Genuine rubber trim at all contact points. Flat back is pre-drilled for easy mounting or attaches to all vehicle mounts. 

A great feature of this bracket is the ability to remove the lower rubber piece. This allows the tank boot to fit in the larger radius opening which will prevent the tank from sliding out of the bracket in extreme conditions. 

This bracket is an optional upgrade in Power Tank Packages. 

This bracket can be substituted for the standard 10/15 lb Super Bracket for all vehicle mounts. 


  • Marine-grade construction
  • 10-15 lb. CO2
  • 6.9-7 in. Diameter
  • Locking Latch
  • Rubber Trim
  • Powdercoated satin black finish

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