PT Shock Chuck™ - No Air Loss Tire and Shock chuck for hi-pressure applications - 1000 psi WP

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One of the most annoying steps in shock tuning is simply getting your Nitrogen Shock Inflator on and off the Schrader valve stem. Traditional shock tools use zero loss air chucks borrowed from the aviation industry which require a wrench to use, making it difficult or impossible to access the schrader valves on your shocks while they're on your rig. The T-Handle on top is also difficult to use and can cause sore fingertips after your fourth nitrogen charge.

Enter the PT Shock Chuck™! The Power Tank Shock Chuck™ is a no-air-loss chuck (aka NAL Chuck) that uses knurled thumb nuts on the top and bottom and the copper washer has been replaced with a synthetic material, lowering the torque specs needed to get an airtight seal on the schrader valve. We left wrench flats on the bottom nut in case extra torque is desired. 

The two knurled thumb nuts attach to the valve stem and depress the valve core pin in two separate actions. This allows you to close the shock under pressure, ensuring no N2 loss when you remove the Shock Chuck™. 

The PT Shock Chuck™ is rebuildable for years of use. 

This is the chuck that we use on our Shock Boss Shock Inflators (SIG-5600 and SIG-0500), the same shock inflators used by Fox Racing Shocks to tune Ultra4 Cars and Trophy Trucks for the King of the Hammers and Baja 1000 Off-Road Races. 

If you have a hard to reach or recessed Schrader valve, add a Schrader Valve Extension.

For IFP (internal floating piston) shocks that fill with a needle, you will need a Shock Fill Needle Assembly (SIG-5000). They work well with all of our shock inflators.

To convert this to male 1/4 NPT or FPT threads, choose the female thread and add:

Note: Do not twist the body while attaching or removing from valve stem or else you may damage the seal.


  • Stainless Steel
  • 1/8" FPT Female Thread
  • Used for Nitrogen Shocks and ORI Struts
  • Rated for 1000 psi
  • Rebuildable
  • Does not need wrench


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