The new Ventoso Tire Inflators are the next chapter in Power Tank's pursuit of the ultimate tire air up tools. Leading with an all-new design, Ventoso brings many new features you won't find in any other tire inflator on the market like dual-oversized bleed buttons and improved tire chucks. And like all Power Tank products, these tools are built to last and come standard with a protective case and an industry-leading five year warranty.

Starting with the highest quality components, each Ventoso Tire Inflator is hand-built in our California shop. This allows us to offer a wide variety of models to suit all tire needs, from low pressure SxS tires to high pressure dually tires. Each Ventoso comes with a five year warranty and is fully rebuildable to create the longest lasting tire inflator money can buy.


The traditional Tire Inflator is the most familiar and our most popular. Starting with the ergonomic Ventoso body, we attach a high or low pressure liquid analog or digital gauge. The two foot hose whip is long enough to allow you to stand up while you are airing up, saving your knees. The Hi-Pressure Push-On chuck is easy to use with a push-on and pull-off motion and features twice the holding strength on your valve stem as clip-on chucks.

The Safety Series Ventosos have a longer, six foot hose whip allowing the user to stand up and off to the side while airing up tires. This distance away from the face of the wheel keeps the operator out of harms way in the event of an explosive tire or wheel failure due to excess damage or wear. The Safety Series Ventosos are recommended for airing up high pressure tires, tires on beadlock wheels, and any tire with questionable integrity (like the ones on that CJ you bought from some guy's yard). However, the Safety Series will work for any tire and some prefer it simply because of the longer whip.

Trading an air chuck for a Quick-Switch coupler at the end of the two foot whip, the Switch-Hitter Ventosos allow you to switch from a Hi-Pressure Push-On (HiPPO) chuck to a Dual-Head Angled Chuck in seconds. While the HiPPO Chuck can reach most valve stems, the Dual-Head Chuck specializes in dually wheels and other hard to reach valve stems like on a motorcycle. Available with any gauge, pair the Switch-Hitter with the 150 psi Digital gauge for the best mix of versatility and accuracy (+/- 1.5 psi).

The Big Kahuna has all the bells and whistles. Available with any gauge, the Big Kahuna Ventoso is equipped with a six foot Safety Series whip for "stand away" safety, as well as a Quick-Switch coupler with not two, but three included tire chucks. The Hi-Pressure Push-On chuck for most standard valve stems, a Dual-Head Angle chuck for most dually wheels and hard to reach motorcycle valve stems, as well as a Dual-Head Straight chuck for Alcoa wheels. We have yet to find a tire that the Big Kahuna won't air up.

The Racer Series Ventoso and Racer Safety Series Ventoso stand apart from the rest of the line because of the Racer Series gauge. Accurate to +/-0.25 psi, the Racer Series gauge is the one you compare all others to. Each gauge is serialized with a matching certificate of accuracy. When fractions of a psi in your tires can affect your lap times, the Racer Series is a no-brainer choice.

Don't know where to start? Click the button below for details about the various options or continue reading for our recommendations based on common tire types.

4x4 & Passenger Car Tires

Trooper - 0-60 psi Liquid Analog


Rubicon - 0-60 psi Digital


Trooper Safety Series - 0-60 psi Liquid Analog w/ 6ft Whip


Rubicon Safety Series - 0-60 psi Digital w/ 6ft Whip


Truck, Trailer, & RV Tires

Long Haul - 0-160 psi Liquid Analog


Workhorse - 5-150 psi Digital


Workhorse Safety Series - 5-150 psi Digital w/ 6ft Whip


Big Kahuna - 5-150 psi Digital w/ Quick-Switch Chuck


Race Cars & Track Cars

Rubicon - 0-60 psi Digital


Switch-Hitter - 0-60 psi Digital w/ Quick-Switch Chucks


Racer Series - 0-100 psi High-Accuracy Digital


Racer Safety Series - 0-100 psi High-Accuracy Digital w/ 6ft Whip


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