Fire Extinguisher Bracket - 5 lb ABC Fire Extinguisher

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  • Regular price $129.95

The bracket for mounting your 5 lb ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher needs to be strong, simple, and easy to use by anyone. And that's exactly how we designed our bracket. We use stainless steel for the frame, strap, rivets, and quick-release latch for strength and durability and go the extra mile to powdercoat the frame in a satin-black for further elemental resistance. Rubber trim is used at all contact points with the fire extinguisher to protect the finish and keep it from slipping loose when blasting through whoops in the desert or washboards on the trail. 

This bracket fits 5 lb ABC Fire Extinguishers or any bottle with a 4.25 inch diameter. Fire Extinguisher sold separately. ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers cover all types of fire sources on a vehicle: combustibles, fluids, electrical. This size is more compact than a 5 lb CO2 Fire Extinguisher, however, it leaves a residue. 

The quick-release latch comes with a locking tab for an optional padlock (not included) but we recommend against locking this bracket. Use the tab to close the latch only. 

This bracket can be bolted to any flat surface. It is compatible with Power Tank round roll bar clamps to securely mount to any tube 1.5-2.5 inch diameter. (ABC-2450 & ABC-2455)


  • Stainless steel frame, strap, rivets, quick-release latch
  • Satin-black powdercoat
  • Rubber trim
  • 4.25 inch diameter
  • Fire extinguisher sold separately
  • Compatible with round roll bar clamps (ABC-2450 & ABC-2455)

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